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   Personnel Management (Text and Cases) 13th Edition

Personnel Management (Text And Cases) 13Th Edition

by Dr. C.B.Mamoria , Dr. V.S.P. Rao

  Price : Rs 998.00
  Your Price : Rs 868.26
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  The present text, Personnel Management, is a humble attempt to present the above changes in a concise form. How companies are trying to make use of human resources in the best possible manner, over the years, - is precisely the subject matter of the book. Originally developed by Prof. Mamoria, the book has enjoyed phenomenal popularity for over three decades now and still enjoys the blessings of students, researchers, teachers, consultants and corporate chiefs - all over India. To live up to the expectations of a growing number of students, researchers and teachers who make use of the text in various platforms, an attempt is now being made now to revise the contents and bring them uptodate. Some of the key developments that make the text a compelling choice for students, researchers and teachers may be catalogued thus:

Textual Matter
Examples, Insights, Experiences from Corporate World
Study Aids
Quizzes, Terminology, Cases with Analyses
HRM in Practice .
ISBN - 9789350514689

Pages : 852
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