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  Contemporary Abstract Algebra ed.- 08

Contemporary Abstract Algebra Ed.- 08

by Gallian

  Price : Rs 399.00
  Your Price : Rs 339.15
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  Product Description
Key Features "Why Is Abstract Algebra Useful?" essay on the authors website shows students the importance of studying abstract algebra and its applicability to everyday life. This motivational essay can be incorporated into a lesson on the first day of class, or can serve as a motivational tool further along in the course. Coverage of proof writing is provided on the instructors website in the updated essay "Advice for students learning proofs." This essay provides basic guidance for students encountering proof writing for the first time or needing to freshen their skills. This text focuses on abstract algebra as a contemporary subject, with concepts and methodologies currently being used by computer scientists, physics, and chemists. Extensive coverage of groups, rings, and fields, plus a variety of non-traditional special topics. A good mixture of now more that 1750 computational and theoretical exercises appearing in each chapter and in Supplementary Exercise sets that synthesize concepts from multiple chapters. Emphasis on computation and proof writing, with an abundance of exercises to help students develop both skills. Lines from popular songs, poems, and quotations give the text a fresh, contemporary feel and keep students engaged. Over 200 new exercises! New Examples! Refreshed quotations, historical notes, and biographies! About the Book: Contemporary Abstract Algebra: 8th Edition Contemporary Abstract Algebra, 8Edition, provides a solid introduction to the traditional topics in abstract algebra while conveying to students that it is a contemporary subject used daily by working mathematicians, computer scientists, physicists, and chemists. The text includes numerous figures, tables, photographs, charts, biographies, computer exercises, and suggested readings giving the subject a current feel which makes the content interesting and relevant for students. Contents: Part I: Integers And Equivalence Relations. Preliminaries. Properties of Integers. Complex ISBN - 9788131520741

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