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  Business Legislations 2nd Edition

Business Legislations 2Nd Edition

by Dr. Niraj Kumar

  Price : Rs 960.00
  Your Price : Rs 835.20
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  Business Legislations is a subject that not only grows but also changes with the passage of time as per the requirements of the business of that country. It comprises laws of practical importance in the modern business world. Therefore, the study of Business Legislations, a compilation of various laws that affect the business and the business has to revolve around these laws, has been given a top priority for Commerce, Management and Law education by all universities and professional institutes. However, some authors have termed it as "Business Law or Laws" but I am of the firm view that since it is not a law in itself rather a compilation of various legislations that effect business the term "Business Legislations" is more appropriate.
The object of this book "Business Legislations" is to set out the basic principles of various laws essential for business, simply and clearly. An attempt has been made to present the concepts as briefly and concisely as possible without sacrificing essential features. Leading cases have been provided for illustration. Section numbers of the relevant statutes have been given in order to facilitate reference. This book on Business Legislations covers the whole teeming ground in a manner differing from the usual text-book, by giving in one volume, a thorough, lucid and easily understandable explanation of the various principles of that branch of law which has to deal with business transactions and business community.
The book is intended primarily as a text-book for graduate and post-graduate students preparing for the various University and Professional Examinations in Business Legislations, but it cannot fail to be useful to businessmen who have from time to time to deal with several branches of the subject. The aim is to explain the provisions of the different enactments, and in doing so, the book deals with the law, subject by subject, grouping together the sections of the respective acts so as to make them simple and logical to the student, convenient to the businessman and interesting to the casual reader who may care to use it as a reference. Even lawyers and practitioners will find the book of practical use inasmuch as it contains in a handy volume the whole range of Business Legislations, supported by citation of both English and Indian cases and references to the relevant sections of the various Acts. Where controversial points occur, the author has based the exposition on the general consensus of standard authoritative opinion of leading writers, and the considered judgements of the courts.ISBN - 9789350515358

Pages : 804
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