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  Securitisation,Asset Reconstruction and Enforcement of Security Interests 4th Edition

Securitisation,Asset Reconstruction And Enforcement Of Security Interests 4Th Edition

by Vinod Kothari

  Price : Rs 1995.00
  Your Price : Rs 1795.50
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  The book is about securitisation, a popular non-traditional mode of lending which involves conversion of non-marketable assets and debts into marketable securities. It is used for either raising capital or for reducing risk by companies. Title is divided into four parts. First part deals with the meaning of securitisation, asset reconstruction and non-performing loans along with an introduction to Indian laws concerning these concepts. Second part is a section wise commentary on the Securitisation, Asset Reconstruction and Enforcement of Security Interest Act, 2002 (SARFAESI). Part 3 and 4 contain the text of secondary legislation and other statutes which deal with securitization such as Recovery of Debts Due from Banks and Financial Institutions Act, 1993 (RDDBFI), debt recovery tribunal rules, etc. Complex finance related concepts (such as asset securitisation, mortgage backed security, non-performing loans, etc.) have been explained by the author in a simple language which can be easily understood by a person with a rudimentary finance background. The book is updated with reference to Companies Act, 2013. It captures significant advances in the law relating to securitisation which have been made on account of rulings of Debt Recovery Tribunal (DRT), Debt Recovery Appellate Tribunal (DRAT), courts and the Supreme Court. The book shall cater to a wide variety of readers including the CAs, CS, bankers and finance lawyers. ISBN 9788180389849

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