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  Typescript Revealed

Typescript Revealed

by Dan Maharry, Daniel Maharry

  Price : Rs 145.00
  Your Price : Rs 130.50
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  TypeScript Revealedis a quick 100-page guide to Anders Hejlsberg`s new take on JavaScript.With this brief, fast-paced introduction to TypeScript, .NET, Web and Windows 8 application developers who are already familiar with JavaScript will easily get up to speed with TypeScript and decide whether or not to start incorporating it into their own development. TypeScript is JavaScript for Application-scale development`; a superset of JavaScript that brings to it an additional object-oriented-like syntax familiar to .NET programmers that compiles down into simple, clean JavaScript that any browser can run today. It`s also tied to the next version of the JavaScript standard, which means that TypeScript will continue to evolve over time to keep in step with that standard and with the capabilities of the engines that will execute JavaScript applications. If you are a .NET developer, Web designer or developer, or a programmer with a keen interest in scalable applications, TypeScript Revealed is a great way to get started with the language, learn how it compiles into JavaScript, and how easy it is to learn from a .NET/Java developer`s perspective. Takes you through the language features in Typescript additional to those in JavaScript Describes the tooling and community support for TypeScript development Discusses how TypeScript can be included in ASP.NET, Windows 8, and node.js application development projects. What you`ll learn Why you should care about TypeScript What it does and what it doesn`t do The current toolset and levels of support The new syntax features of TypeScript How to build your own TypeScript declaration files How to incorporate TypeScript into your projects Who this book is for

TypeScript Revealedis aimed at the early adopter developer who is already familiar with Microsoft tools and .NETand/or JavaScript development that wants a flavor of TypeScript distilled, culled, and organized in one place. Table of Contents Chapter 1: What is TypeScript? Why TypeScript? Chapter 2: New Syntax Static Typing & Type Inference Tooling Interfaces Classes Derived classes using the `extends` keyword. Arrow functions Modules Enforcing the Intention of some features. Typescript vs EcmaScript6 Chapter 3: Working with TypeScript Tools & Resources .ISBN - 9781430257257

Pages : 100
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