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  Marketing Research: An Integrated Approach 3rd Edition

Marketing Research: An Integrated Approach 3Rd Edition

by Alan Wilson

  Price : Rs 599.00
  Your Price : Rs 491.18
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  Marketing Research: An Integrated Approach, Third Edition, is invaluable for anyone studying marketing research at a degree or diploma level. The author is the lead examiner for modules in the professional qualifications of the Market Research Society and the Chartered Institute of Marketing, and the content of the book has been developed to fully support the Chartered Institute of Marketing`s Marketing Information and Research Professional Certificate module and The Market Research Society`s Principles of Market and Social Research and Information Diploma module.

The book places research in the bigger picture of marketing and demonstrates how an understanding of marketing research is a key requirement of any effective marketing professional. The text integrates the key concepts and techniques of marketing research with both the management of customer information from customer databases along with the monitoring of user-generated content appearing on online social networks.

Marketing Research is written in a clear and accessible style using many examples, real-life case histories and discussions of current issues in marketing research and customer information management, making it ideal for supporting the delivery of single semester modules on marketing research.ISBN - 9789332535572

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