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  GATE Tutor 2015 Electrical Engineering (Paperback)

Gate Tutor 2015 Electrical Engineering (Paperback)

by Er Bhavin Juneja Prashant

  Price : Rs 795.00
  Your Price : Rs 636.00
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  Cracking an examination like GATE (Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering) demands extensive knowledge and revision of the concepts covered under the GATE 2015 curriculum. GATE tests the in-depth knowledge and practical knowledge of varied concepts. We at Arihant understand the needs of the students which require comprehensive chapterwise study for in-depth understanding followed by thorough practice of the syllabi to master the concepts.
The present GATE tutor for GATE Electrical Engineering has been divided into three sections namely General Aptitude, Engineering Mathematics and Electrical Engineering, each sub-divided into number of chapters. The General Aptitude section covers Verbal Ability, Critical Reasoning, Numerical Ability and Previous Years’ General Aptitude Questions. The Engineering Mathematics section has been divided into Linear Algebra, Calculus, Differential Equations, Complex Variables, Probability & Statistics, Numerical Methods and Transform Theory whereas the Electrical Engineering section has been divided into 11 chapters namely Electromagnetic Field Theory, Network Theory, Signals and Systems, Electrical Machines, Power System, Control System, Electrical & Electronic Measurement, Power Electronics & Drives, Analog Electronics, Digital System and Microprocessor. The chapters cover unitwise and topicwise collection of theory and question answers. The whole coverage of the syllabi in the book has been kept identical to the format of the exam including relevant study material and variety of questions with their complete solutions. Each topic in the book has been categorized into numerous sub divisions. Also each unit ends with Intro Exercise for practicing the concepts discussed in the unit. The exercises contain questions as per the GATE pattern i.e. 1 mark questions, 2 marks questions and common data & linked answer questions. It has been kept into account that the concepts illustrated in the book are self-sustaining and the students do not feel the need to go through any other book for any missing topic. The book also contains last four years’ (2011-2014) solved papers of original online GATE Electrical Engineering to give the aspirants an insight into the trends of questions asked in GATE Examination. This book contains focused study material for General Aptitude and Engineering Mathematics. For final and thorough revision, three practice sets with full solutions have also been given in the book.
As the book contains ample study and practice material, it for sure will help the aspirants achieve success in the upcoming GATE 2015 Electrical Engineering Exam.

ISBN - 9789351419464

Pages : 1465
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