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   Venkateswaran on Trade Marks and Passing Off in 2 vols. 5th Edition

Venkateswaran On Trade Marks And Passing Off In 2 Vols. 5Th Edition

by Dr S Venkateswaran

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  The Law of Trade Marks and Passing- Off, being revised after a gap of 47 years remains the finest Indian commentary on Trade Marks, Passing Off and Geographical Indications including the Trade Marks (Amendment) Act, 2010 and covering updated case law till August 2010. The original author of this title Dr. Venkateswaran`s was the first and most distinguished authority on the law of Trade Marks and this new edition retains his original analysis of the fundamentals of Trade Mark law and Passing Off.

Key Highlights

An advanced section-wise commentary on the current legislation on the Law of Trade Marks and Passing Off and Geographical Indications (like Darjeeling tea, Mysore silk, etc) in India as well as other jurisdictions like UK, Australia and Canada.
Incorporates up-to-date Indian and foreign case law and all the landmark judgments from India and UK up to August 2010
Detailed analytical commentary on the 1999 Act with clear references to the corresponding provisions of the Indian Acts of 1940 and 1958 and the UK Acts
Explains section-by-section differences and similarities between the old Indian law and the current statute
The impact of changes brought about by the Trade Marks Act, 1999 (Act No. 47 of Year 1999 dated 30th. December, 1999), Trade and Merchandise Rules, 2002 (w.e.f. 26th February, 2002), The Geographical Indications of Goods (Registrations and Protection) Act, 1999 (Act No. 48 of 1999 dated 30th December, 1999) and The Geographical Indications of Goods (Registration and Protection) Rules, 2002 (w.e.f. 8th March, 2002) have been examined and discussed at length
Article 16 (1) and (2) of the TRIPS Agreement mandating compliance with provisions of Article 6bis of the Paris Convention, all explained very clearly in the book
State Amendments have been integrated under appropriate sections in the body of the text
Facilitation of international registration of Indian Trade Marks and vice versa under the Madrid Protocol discussed
Trade marks-based Index consolidated with the Subject Index allows for easy searches and cross references has been incorporated
Contains Comparative Table covering the Act of `58 and the present Act of `99 and the Acts of Australia, Canada, UK and India along with commentary on the Geographical Indications Act, 1999 and recently passed Trade Mark (Amendment) Act, 2010
Cyber Marks have also been covered at length
Extensive coverage of English and Indian cases reported by premier law journals provided (RPC and PTC cases)

Table of Contents
General Contents Of Volume 1 & 2
Chapter. I Preliminary [SS. 1 To 2]
Chapter. II The Register And Conditions For Registration [SS. 3 To 17]
Chapter. III Procedure For And Duration Of Registration [SS. 18 To 26]
Chapter. IV Effect Of Registration [SS. 27 To 36]
Volume 2
Chapter. V ASSignment And TransmiSSion [SS. 37 To 45]
Chapter. VI Use Of Trade Marks And Registered Users [SS. 46 To 56]
Chapter. VII Rectification And Correction Of The Register [SS. 57 To 60]
Chapter. VIII Collective Marks [SS. 61 To 68]
Chapter. IX Certification Trade Marks [SS. 69 To 78]
Chapter. X Special Provisions For Textile Goods [SS. 79 To 82]
Chapter. XI Appellate Board [SS. 83 To 100]
Chapter. XII Offences, Penalties And Procedure [SS. 101 To 121]
Chapter. XIII Miscellaneous [SS. 122 To 159]
The Schedule
Part II
The Geographical Indications Of Goods (Registration And Protection) Act, 1999
Chapter. I Preliminary [SS. 1 To 2]
Chapter. II The Register And Conditions For Registration [SS. 3 To 10]
Chapter. III Procedure For And Duration Of Registration [SS. 11 To 19]
Chapter. IV Effect Of Registration [SS. 20 To 24]
Chapter. V Special Provisions Relating To Trade Marks And Prior Users And Prior Users [SS. 25 To 26]
Chapter. VI Rectification And Correction Of The Register [SS. 27 To 30]
Chapter. VII Appeals To The Appellate Board [SS. 31 To 36]
Chapter. VIII Offences, Penalties And Procedure [SS. 37 To 54]
Chapter. IX Miscellaneous [SS. 55 To 87] .ISBN 9788180386404

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