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  Business Laws

Business Laws

by Dr. R. K. Chopra

  Price : Rs 250.00
  Your Price : Rs 217.50
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The Book "Business LAWS" has been written strictly according to the syllabus of newly-introduced semester-based system for B.Com. (Hons.) First Year students of the UNIVERSITY OF DELHI for admissions of 2011 onwards.
The Book has been divided into four parts, each part discussing separately the laws of Contract, Sale of Goods, Limited Liability Partnership and the Information Technology. The subject matter presented in the book is complete and up to date.
All Amendments to the Various Enactments till 2011 have been duly incorporated in the Text, which include the following :
- The Indian Contract (Amendment) Act, 1996
- The Sale of Goods (Amendment) Act, 1963
- The Information Technology (Amendment) Act, 2008
The Book contains a very large number of Legal Cases (545) and Illustrations (459) at appropriate places.
Definitions of legal terms, Sections and Quotations in Judicial Pronouncements have been given in Italics font to separate them from the main text. this helps the students in more ways than one in preparing for the examination.
A large number of "Analytical Topics Commonly asked in B.Com. (Hons.) `Business LAWS` Examination" have been extensively discussed in the book. An exhaustive list of such topics with page numbers is given in the book.
Last several years question papers of B.Com. (Hons.) First Year of the UNIVERSITY OF DELHI will surely enhance the utility of the Book.
The new symbol of Rupee () officially adopted by the GOVERNMENT of INDIA has been incorporated in the book.
The book is up dated till 2011.
It is hoped that the book will prove a boon to the result-oriented, serious minded students of B.Com. (Hons.) Ist year of the UNIVERSITY OF DELHI.
ISBN - 9789350512012

Pages : 432
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