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   Management Accounting 5th Edition

Management Accounting 5Th Edition

by Dr. P.N. Reddy , N. Mukund Sharma , Prof. H.R. Appannaiah

  Price : Rs 260.00
  Your Price : Rs 226.20
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  The backbone of any corporate enterprise is maintaining the books of accounts in a perfect manner. These books of accounts are popularly called Financial Accounting. Financial Accounting exhibits the true financial status of the business enterprise. But with out analysis of these accounts and statements, the organisation cannot understand as to the direction in which it is moving. Certain financial tools and techniques have to be applied to give an insight into the growth of various activities of the organisation and in particular the growth of profit and wealth. A vital tool that is adopted to analyze the financial statements is Management Accounting. It is said that Management accounting starts where financial accounting ends. Therefore, Management Accounting which contains various financial tools such as ration analysis, cash flow analysis, fund flow analysis, comparative financial statements, accounting reports etc is profusely used today to analyze the financial statements and assess the growth rate of the enterprise.

This title gives an insight into the various tools and techniques referred to above in a greater detail. Sufficient illustrations have been given to analyze the various types of intricacies involved in maintaining accounts and understanding precisely as to what financially exists in the business enterprise which is sujected to financial scrutiny. Typical problems are also given at the end of each chapter for developing skills of the students in this area. ISBN - 9789350510889

Pages : 392
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