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  Advanced Financial Management 2nd Edition

Advanced Financial Management 2Nd Edition

by Shri Narendra Singh

  Price : Rs 620.00
  Your Price : Rs 539.40
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  In the present business and economic scenario, Financial Management has gained the most important position. The survival and growth of the business organizations in today`s competitive business environment will depend upon a sound and efficient financial systems.
The aspects, which focus on the strengths and weaknesses of an organization are; balanced capital structure, a sound debt and equity ratio, a strong net-worth and reserves and surplus, access to the best sources of finance including global, an optimum level of working capital and finally, a very prudent management and investment decision-making criterion.
All these important aspects are the subject matters of this book supported with model assessment- tests at the end of each chapter. The coverage in the book begins with the financial management in general followed with advanced financial management, international financial management, management accounting and financial strategy and reporting.
Efforts have been made to make this book as a most useful book, covering the latest syllabus of all the professional institutes of the Institute of Cost and Works Accountants of India, Institute of Charted Accountants of India, Institute of Company Secretaries of India, ICFAI, IGNOU and various other management institutes.
This book would be equally useful to the working managers, teaching and training faculties.ISBN - 9789350513767

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