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  Financial Inclusion

Financial Inclusion

by Sudha, K. & Sampath, K.

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  Financial Inclusion is about ensuring that everyone has access to appropriate financial services enabling them to manage their money on a day to day basis effectively, securely and confidently, plan for the future and cope with financial pressure by managing their finances to protect against short term variation in income and expenditure and take advantage of longer term variation in income and expenditure and take advantage of longer term opportunities and deal effectively with financial distress as finance has been recognized as a factor for growth and development. As banking services are in nature of public good it is essential that availability of banking and payment services to the entire population with out discrimination and is the prime objective of the public policy.

The importance of an inclusive financial system is widely recognized in the policy circle in recent years and financial inclusion is seen as a policy priority in many countries. This book contains the seminar papers presented a seminar on "Financial Inclusion - Aspects, issues and the Way Forward" organized by the Department of Business Management, Osmania University. The book will be useful to planners, policy makers, practitioners, academicians and researchers not only because of its topical relevance but also because of the scanty literature available in the topic.

About The Author:

Dr. V. Sudha holds a Post Graduate degree in Business Management and has earned a Ph. D. from Osmania University in the area of Finance. She has two years of industry experience and 14 years of teaching experience mostly in the area of Finance. She has been awarded "Career Award" by AICTE in 2004-05 to do research on the topic of "Credit Rating Analysis". She has been involved in various corporate training programs as resource person. She is a research supervisor and has five research scholars working under her supervision. Her research interests include Corporate Finance, Capital Markets and Financial Inclusion.

Presently she is working as Asst. Professor in the Dept. of Business Management, Osmania University.

Prof. K. Kalidas has teaching experience of nearly twenty five years at the P. G. level of University Business Management Colleges handling the courses of Business Economics, Marketing Management and International Business. He acted as a resource person for many Executive Development programmes and faculty development programmes. Besides actively engaging in research works, published many research papers and attended various national seminars.

Presently he is working as Professor in the Dept. of Business Management, Osmania University.

Dr. R. Sampath Kumar is a PhD in Business Management and has cleared the National Eligibility Test for Lectureship. He holds other degrees like an MBA, MA, a Post graduate diploma in public relations and a Post graduate diploma in computer applications. He has 3 years of industry experience combined with 14 years of academic and administrative experience. His areas of specialization include Marketing and Information Technology. He has been the regional coordinator of ICET and has 23 publications to his credit. He is a registered PhD supervisor and has 8 scholars working under him.

Presently he is Vice Principal, University College of Commerce and Business Management and Vice Principal - Hostels.

Table of Contents

"Financial Inclusion - Aspects, Issues and the Way Forward"
Financial Inclusion, Present Scenario and Rapid Penetration
An Overview on Financial Inclusion
Financial Inclusion Aspect, Issues, and the Way Forward - A Report
Designing Complete Financial Inclusion
Financial Inclusion in India
Assessment of Rural Financial inclusion in India
Financial Inclusion in India - Policty Perspective
To exclude is easy, but to include is tough - An attempt to develop a model for financial inclusion for emerging economies
Financial Inclusion - A cost perspective
A Path towards India`s Future Economic Growth
"Financial Inclusion-Its challenges and policy initiative by Government of India and Reserve Bank of India"
Outreach of SHG-Bank Linkage in India - A District-level Analysis
Financial Inclusion : Role of Microfinance
Financial Inclusion through Microfinance
Micro-Finance Institutions and Credit Accessibility to the Poor in Karnataka
Role of Self Help Groups in Micro Finance
Financial Inclusion and Self Help Groups
Financial Inclusion & Micro Financing for the Economic Development
Financial Inclusion through Entrepreneurial Aspects - A Study of Select Villages in Khammam District
Developmental Assistance : A Pathway to Financial Inclusion
Financial Inclusion in India : Role of Banking system
Financial Inclusion - The role of banks in India
Financial Inclusion : Role of Banks in India
Rural Banking : A Development Tool For SSIs
Financial Inclusion and Outreach by RRBs in India - A Study
Assessment of Rural Financial inclusion in India
Business Models for Financial Inclusion
Conundrum of Global Financial Exclusion and need for Ameliorating the Lot of Have NOTs
Strategies for Building & Enhancing Capacities in Social Engineering : An Exploratory Framework for Deeper and Wider Financial Inclusion
Social Inclusion - A prerequisite for Financial Inclusion
Smart Card Technology & Financial Inclusion
Marketing of Financial Services in Rural Marketing - Role of Information Technology
Role of Smart Cards in Financial Inclusion
Smart Living through Smart Cards
Technology in Financial Inclusions - The Magic Mantra for Development
Financial Inclusion - The role of IT in India
SMART CARD - A Technological approach to Financial Inclusion
Smart Card Technology - Is A Roadmap for Emerging Business and Interoperability
Technology of Smart cards - the engine for the financial inclusion
Smart Cards : Improve Trust and Reduce Costs
Role of Technology in Addressing the Issues of Reducing Delivery Costs and Borrowing Costs
Empowerment as a Leadership Paradigm for Inclusive Development - A Concept Paper.
Impact of Employee Engagement on Financial Inclusion
The Role of HR in Financial inclusion in India
Inclusive Growth : The role of financial education
Strategies to Market Financial Products in Rural Areas
Housing as an Agent for Financial inclusion
Indian Agricultural Farmers - From debt of death What is the need of the hour?
Falling Angels of Harvest
Financial Inclusion - The Way Ahead
Financial Inclusion : Reach of Banking in India
A Special Focus on Role & Trends in the growth of Services being offered by Banks/Others
ISBN - 9788184885378

Pages : 285
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