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  Company Directors Powers, Rights, Duties, Liabilities And Corporate Social Responsibilities Guide 3rd Edition

Company Directors Powers, Rights, Duties, Liabilities And Corporate Social Responsibilities Guide 3Rd Edition

by L V V Iyer

  Price : Rs 1795.00
  Your Price : Rs 1615.50
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  The book is an exhaustive commentary on the law relating to Company Directors, Managing Directors, Alternate Directors, Whole-time Directors, Nominee Directors, Professional Directors, Ordinary Directors & Managers, Corporate Governance, Restrictions on holding office or place of profit, Director`s Shareholdings, Audit Committee, Board and Committee Meetings. It covers all issues relating to Company Directors, their powers, duties, their appointments, qualifications, remuneration, resignation, retirement along with relevant specimen resolutions, e-forms, notices, returns and applications to be submitted to the Registrar of Companies, Regional Director and the Central Government as Precedents including practice notes. This thoroughly updated and revised edition further includes recent case law, updated MCA`s notifications and circulars, detailed instructions on filling up and filing of e-forms, a Table of Offences revised to reflect legislative amendments, Table of Fees to be paid to the Registrar of Companies etc.

This publication provides a complete understanding of fundamental concepts and tells you everything about being a Director.

Key Highlights
¢ A detailed commentary on statutory provisions supplemented with recent Case Law along with latest MCA`s Notifications, Circulars, Guidelines, Rules and Secretarial Standards dealing with Directors
¢ Explains the key requirements under the Companies Act 1956 relating to Company Directors.
¢ Covers all issues relating to Directors, their functions, duties, rights and liabilities
¢ Contains 17 self explanatory parts including Appendices covering the entire gamut of law relating Company Directors
¢ Provides detailed guidelines on filling up of e-forms and filing applications electronically with Registrar of Companies, Regional Director & the Central Government
¢ Contains specimen e-forms, resolutions, notices and practice notes
¢ Presents a detailed analysis of various topics such as:
¢ Directors Identification Number (DIN)
¢ Corporate Social Responsibilities
¢ Corporate Governance
¢ Audit Committee
¢ Board & Committee Meetings
¢ Directors Liability & Relief

`Standard reference for`
Corporate entities, Lawyers, Judges handling company matters, Chartered Accountants, Company Secretaries, Finance Executives, Business Administrators, Students (Management & Law), Law Universities, Management Institutes.ISBN 9788180387050

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