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  Chemistry Std. XII (NEET / ISEET) 8th Edition

Chemistry Std. Xii (Neet / Iseet) 8Th Edition

by A.Y.Waghale

  Price : Rs 425.00
  Your Price : Rs 369.75
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  The book has been prepared according to the new syllabus for CBSE / NCERT Std.XI & XII, accepted at the National and State Levels and which has come into force from the academic session 2011-12.

Honouring the valuable suggestions from the fellow-teachers, the exact requirements of the students for the preparation and my personal observations during my long experience in writing the books, teaching and guiding the students for competitive examinations, I could present this book with all necessary reforms to make it acceptable to all.

The difficulties, commonly faced by the students, appearing for competitive examinations for admission to professional courses like Medical, Engineering, Pharmacy etc. have been taken care of, to the maximum possible extent. The book is also useful for other competitive examinations like NCET/NEET/ISEET etc.

The salient features of the book are -

Adequate text on theory portion is given in the beginning of every unit.
Special attraction "Points To Note" have been added in the text to enable the students to make the revision faster.
"Points To Note" includes all important points of the concerned unit, assembled at one place, for the convenience of the students.
The questions of higher difficulty level, to induce thinking ability among the students, have been specially incorporated.
The solutions to some questions, which are typical and above the average difficulty level, are given at the end of each unit.
Special care has been taken to give justice to all sub-units and units of the entire syllabus while framing the questions.
All possible types of questions, including "Multiple Facet Questions" have been included to help the students for genuine preparation.
The questions appeared in the question papers of previous about 10 years examinations of AIEEE, CBSE-PMT, AIIMS, AFMC, BITS, UT-JEE, etc., are also incorporated. The solutions of these questions are also given for the convenience of the students.
This will help the students to know the actual nature of questions from different units, which are normally included in the question papers.
ISBN - 9789350971017

Pages : 426
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