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  History Of Economic Thought, 17th Edition

History Of Economic Thought, 17Th Edition

by T.N. Hajela

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  The book was first published in 1967 and the present edition is the seventeenth edition.
The book discusses the development of the history of economic thought from the earliest times to the most recent times. Part One deals with the development of economic thought in Western Countries. Book One deals with the economic thought in ancient times and medieval ages. Book Two gives in detail the pre-classical economic thought. Book Three deals with the economic thought of the classicism. Book Four discusses the economic thought of the critics of the classical school. Book Five deals with the restatement of the classicism. Book Six covers the economic thought of the subjectivists, marginalists and neo-classicals. Book Seven gives the economic thought as it developed as a reaction to neo-classicism lnstitutionalism, Welfare Economics, General Equilibrium Economics. Book Eight discusses the Keynesian Economics and Post Keynesian developments in Economic Thought and Book Nine discusses the development of some of the important theories as also gives the contribution of the Nobel Laureates and other prominent economists.

Part Two deals with the Indian Economic Thought and covers the economic thought of the modern times.

Contents :-
Part I: Economic Thought in Western Countries 1. Definition and Significance of History of Economic Thought, Book I : Ancient and Medieval Economic Thought, 2. Economic Thought in Ancient Times 3. Economic Thought in Medieval Ages, Book II: Pre-Classical Economic Thought, Introduction 4. Mercantilism, 5. Physiocracy, Book III : Classicism, Introduction 6. Adam SmithThe Founder of English Classicism 7. The Followers of Smith Jeremy Bentham 8. The Followers of Smith (Contd.)Thomas Robert Malthus 9. The Followers of Smith (Contd.) David Ricardo 10. The Writers in the Classical Tradition James Mill, McCulloch, Senior etc. Book IV : Reactions Against Classicism (Critics and Opponents), Introduction 11. The Individualistic CriticsLauderdale and Rae 12. The Nationalistic CriticsMuller, List, Raymond, Gentz, Hamilton and Carey 13. The Historical CriticsThe English Historical School 14. The Historical Critics (Contd.)The German Historical School 15. The Socialistic Critics and The Rise of Socialism 16. The Socialistic Critics (Contd.)The Utopian Socialists and The Associationists 17. The Socialistic Critics (Contd.)The State Socialists 18. The Socialistic Critics (Contd.)The Scientific Socialists (Karl Marx and His Followers), Book V : The Restatement of Classicism, Introduction 19. John Stuart Mill 20. The Last Phase of Classicism Cairnes and Fawcett, Book VI : The Reconstruction of Economic Science, Introduction 21. Subjectivism and Marginalism (The Subjective and The Mathematical Schools) 22. Subjectivism and Marginalism (Contd.) (The Austrian School) 23. Neo-Classicism : (Marshall and The Cambridge School) 24. Neo-Classicism (Contd.)(Wicksell and The Stockholm School), Book VII : Reactions Against Neo-Classicism, Introduction 25. Beginnings of Economics in the United States 26. Institutionalism (Veblen, Commons and Mitchell) 27. Welfare Economics (J.A. Hobson and A.C. Pigou) 28. The General Equilibrium Economics, Book VIII : The Keynesian Revolution, Introduction 29. The Keynesian Economics 30. Post-Keynesian Developments in Economic Thought, Book IX : Miscellaneous, Introduction 31. The Development of Socialist Thought 32. The Development of Theories of Value and Trade Cycles 33. The Development of Theories of Distribution 34. The Development of Theories of International Trade and Public Finance 35. Nobel Laureates in Economics 36. Other Prominent Economists and Their Contribution, Part II : Economic Thought in India , Introduction 37. Ancient and Medieval Economic Thought in India (Kautilya and Valluvar) 38. Modern Economic Thought in India (Naoroji, Ranade, Wacha, Dutt and Gokhale) 39. Modern Economic Thought in India (Contd.) (Gandhi, Visvesvaraya, Kale, Brij Narain, Shah, Mukerjee and Mehta) 40. Modern Economic Thought in India (Contd.) (Vakil, Gadgil, Wadia, Gyan Chand, Rao and Adarkar) 41. Modern Economic Thought in India (Contd.) (Developments in Applied Economics).ISBN - 9788180522208

Pages : 1012
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