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  Employee Engagement and HR Initiatives

Employee Engagement And Hr Initiatives

by Pro.S.K.Tripathy , Prof.B.N.Mishra

  Price : Rs 290.00
  Your Price : Rs 252.30
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  The papers in this edited volume, "Employee Engagement and HR Initiatives" highlight on organisational initiatives towards companies employees engagement. Academicians and scholars have contributed article based on their research findings. Reputed executives have shared their experiences on how they do it in their organizations. Because the area is new, we found it relevant to publish the book that will contribute towards further research while helping the practitioners to work more on it getting new ideas from different sources. This is an attempt to bring the best out of the theory and practice on the issues and challenges relating to employee engagement. We expect this volume to be of great help for all of them who are concerned with subject.ISBN - 9789350249444

Pages : 232
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