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  BRICS National Systems of Innovation (5 Volumes box set)

Brics National Systems Of Innovation (5 Volumes Box Set)

by Jose E. Cassiolato, Maria Clara Couto Soares

  Price : Rs 4995.00
  Your Price : Rs 4245.75
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  This set of books on the five BRICS countries Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa provides a comprehensive and comparative examination of economic, geopolitical, sociocultural, institutional and technological systems and explores possibilities for equitable and sustainable growth.

These volumes are an invaluable resource for researchers and scholars in economics, development studies and political science, as well as policymakers and development practitioners interested in the BRICS countries.

Volume I The Role of the State Mario Scerri, Helena M. M. Lastres.

This volume analyses the relationship between the state and the evolution of the national systems of innovation in the five BRICS countries, putting forward several valuable considerations and policy recommendations.

If there are any reservations about the importance of intensified cooperation between Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, this book will speedily dispel them. The book raises the discourse on development to a higher level. It escapes from the narrow confines of trade and investment policy and reaches out to the more remote spaces of innovation. It is an exciting journey.

Ben Turok Member of Parliament, African National Congress, South Africa Volume II Inequality and Development Challenges Maria Clara Couto Soares, Mario Scerri, Rasigan Maharajh.

This volume examines the co-evolution of inequality and national systems of innovation across the BRICS economies. In advancing crucial policy recommendations, the book argues that inequalities must be factored in development strategies.

From a developmental point of view, a main issue is to orient innovation efforts in a direction that diminishes inequality and to make inequality a point of departure for innovation efforts. The reader will find in this book all the information and analyses needed to understand how inequality looks like in the BRICS countries and how innovation can help fight inequality. The opportunity to do this, so rare, so timely, so welcome, is a contribution of the book to the wedding of innovation and solidarity.

Judith Sutz Academic Coordinator, Scientific Research Council, University de la Repblica, Uruguay Volume III The Promise of Small and Medium Enterprises Ana Arroio, Mario Scerri.

This volume looks at the relationship between small and medium enterprises and the national systems of innovation of the BRICS countries, studying the evolution and future trends of industrial and innovation policies for small firms.

This book offers a major contribution by enhancing our knowledge of development, the role of Small and Medium Enterprises production and innovation systems and about policies to promote their, as well as regional and national, development. The aim is not to engage in country comparisons nor to provide benchmarks, but rather to identify and analyse key experiences and opportunities that may help to uncover development alternatives capable of enabling small firms to fulfil their potential.

Helena M. M. Lastres Head of the Office for Local Production and Innovations Systems and Regional Development, Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES) Volume IV Transnational Corporations and Local Innovation Jos E. Cassiolato, Graziela Zucoloto, Dinesh Abrol, Liu Xielin.

This volume offers a novel approach to the analysis of the role of transnational corporations in the national systems of innovation of the BRICS economies and captures the institutional and policy dynamics that have determined their location in the new ordering of the global political economy.

A timely book on an important subject, namely, the effects of foreign direct investment and the operations of transnational corporations on the innovation systems of the BRICS countries.

Francois Chesnais Former Professor of Economics, University of Paris 13 Volume V Financing Innovation Michael Kahn, Luiz Martins de Melo, Marcelo G. Pessoa de Matos.

This volume highlights the role of innovation financing in the BRICS countries through a national systems of innovation approach and assesses its implications for policy and governance.

The recognition of the importance of innovation activities has led governments to establish policies to guide and stimulate the productive sector. Preserving national autonomy and the possibility of continued growth requires a new look at the interface between macroeconomic, industrial, commercial and innovation policies. This book offers pioneering and fundamental contributions for this process and related discussion by focusing on one of its central issues-accumulated know-how on financing scientific, technological and innovation activities in the BRICS countries.ISBN - 9.7804157357e+012

Pages : 1812
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