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  Casting Type Calcifications: Sign of a Subtype With Unpredictable Outcome (Breast Cancer - Early Detection with Mammography) (v. 2)

Casting Type Calcifications: Sign Of A Subtype With Unpredictable Outcome (Breast Cancer - Early Detection With Mammography) (V. 2)

by Tibor Tot, Laszlo Tabar, Peter B. Dean

  Price : Rs 5000.00
  Your Price : Rs 4500.00
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This book is dedicated to those physicians who believe that greater knowledge of the many subtypes of breast cancer will lead to more individualized diagnosis and therapy, to the ultimate benefit of their patients.\`--the authors In \`Breast Cancer: The Art and Science of Early Detection with Mammography-Perception, Interpretation, Histopathologic Correlation,\` L?szl? Tab?r, one of the world?s most renowned mammographers, has shared his decades of experience in presenting the fundamentals of perception and interpretation of mammographic images. This is the second volume in a series of books written by the team of Tab?r, Tot , and Dean describing breast cancer in its earliest phase according to the imaging findings and correlating these findings with sophisticated histopathologic images and patient outcome. This volume covers a particularly troublesome subtype of breast cancer characterized by casting type calcifications. Highlights: - Extensive coverage of the morphology and outcome of this deceptive breast cancer subtype - Nearly 1000 illustrations of stunning quality showing the full range of manifestations - Photomicrographs of large, thin-section pathology slides and unique 3D pathology images which are carefully correlated with mammographic images to explain why mammograms appear as they do - Stereoscopic images that demonstrate normal breast structures and the distortion caused by this unique malignant process - Presentation of an original theory of neoductgenesis to explain the surprising disease outcome all too frequently observed - Scientific rationale for using individualized treatment methods which include the mammographic prognostic features Further volumes in the series will cover - Crushed stone--like and powdery calcifications - Spiculated lesions and architectural distortion L?szl? Tab?r, MD, is Professor of Radiology at Uppsala University and Head of the Department of Mammography at Falun Central Hospital in Falun, Sweden. Tibor Tot , MD, is Associate Professor of Pathology at Uppsala University and Chairman of the Department of Pathology and Clinical Cytology at Falun Central Hospital in Falun, Sweden. Peter B. Dean , MD, is Professor at the Department of Diagnostic Radiology at the University of Turku in Turku, Finland, and formerly Visiting Professor at Brigham and Women?s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA. ISBN - 9783131353917

Pages : 325
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