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  Migration Trends And Population Changes In Jammu And Kashmir State

Migration Trends And Population Changes In Jammu And Kashmir State

by B. A. Dabla

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  This book deals with the demographic and social transformation in the state of Jammu and Kashmir after 1947. While demographic transformation in the state reflects the changes in population aggregates, size and composition and other aspects, different trends of migration such as \`the migration of Pandits\` and \`labourmigration\` represent the process. On the other hand, the related social transformation reveals the overall social structure, function and social relationships and emerging social problems. Dealing with the major and minor trends of migration in J&K, which had solid social repercussions for the whole society, it examines the patters of population change as was revealed in decadal census reports from 1951 – 2011. This is primarily a sociological presentation of census-based population changes. Finally, it analyzes the broader sociological implications of population changes and migration trends. The important areas in this regard have been identified as late marriage, increasing suicides, rising number of never married, increasing crime and domestic violence, Pandit migration and labour migration. B. A. Dabla is presently the Professor and Head, Department of Sociology, University of Kashmir, Srinagar. Earlier he was a faculty at the Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh. He has also served the Jammu and Kashmir Government as Assistant Director and Press Officer to Chief Minister. Prof. Dabla has to his credit 19 books, 52 research papers, 106 articles, 16 surveys/study reports, and 17 research projects. He is also the editor of two journals, namely, Journal of Society in Kashmir and Kasheer.His areas of interest are Social Change and Development; Women, Children and Society; Sociology of Islam, Muslims and Minorities; Migration and Population Changes; Kashmir Sociology; and Conflict Situation. He was the member of NCF group of NCERT, and ICSSR, New Delhi. The author has been awarded recently prestegious Mawlana Azad National Fellowship by the I.C.S.S.R., New Delhi.

ISBN - 9789351280071

Pages : 234
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