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  Electronic Devices and Circuits

Electronic Devices And Circuits

by Muhammad H. Rashid

  Price : Rs 499.00
  Your Price : Rs 424.15
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  Meant for the undergraduate students of electrical, electronics,

communications and computer engineering, this book uses a top-down

approach for the study of electronics rather than the traditional bottom-up

approach. This approach has the advantage of allowing the learner to cover

only the basic techniques and circuits, without going into detail on discrete

devices. For examples, op-amp circuits are introduced first before the

semiconductor diodes and transistors. Similarly, the semiconductor diodes

are covered before the physics of pn-junctions.


¢ Introduces the characteristics, biasing techniques, and circuit

models of semiconductor devices.

¢ Provides basic analog electronic circuit design techniques and

analytical skills using diodes, op-amps, MOSFETs, and BJTs.

¢ Introduces students to the various elements of the engineering

design process, including formulation of specifications, analysis

of alternative solutions, synthesis, decision making, iterations,

consideration of cost factors, simulation, and tolerance issues.

¢ Enables students to design electronic circuits to meet desired


¢ Helps to build problem solving skills of electronic circuits

Table of Contents:

1. Introduction to Electronics and Design

2. Introduction to Amplifiers and Frequency Response

3. Introduction to Operational Amplifiers and Applications

4. Semiconductor Diodes

5. Applications of Diodes

6. Semiconductors and pn JunctionCharacteristics

7. Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistors

8. Bipolar Junction Transistors and Amplifiers

9. Differential Amplifiers

About the Author:

Muhammad H. Rashid

Prof. Rashid is currently professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

at the University of West Florida. He has been the director of the Department

from 1997 to 2007.

Prof Rashid obtained his B.Sc in Electrical Engineering from Bangladesh

University of Engineering and Technology, M.Sc and Ph.D degrees from

University of Birmingham in the UK.

Prof. Rashid is actively involved in teaching, researching and lecturing,

especially in the area of Power Electronics. He has published 16 books and

more than 130 technical papers. His books are adopted as textbooks all over

the world; also they have been translated into several other languages like

Spanish, Korean, Indonesian, Persian and Portuguese.

Pages : 804
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