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   The E-Myth Manager: Why Management Doesn`t Work--And What to Do about It

The E-Myth Manager: Why Management Doesn`T Work--And What To Do About It

by Michael E. Gerber

  Price : Rs 599.00
  Your Price : Rs 467.22
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  More than ten years after his first bestselling book, The E-Myth, changed the lives of hundreds of thousands of small business owners, Michael Gerber椮trepreneur, author, and speaker extraordinaireæ¥res the next salvo in his highly successful E-Myth Revolution. Drawing on lessons learned from working with more than 15,000 small, medium-sized, and very large organisations, Gerber has discovered the truth behind why management doesn²t work and what to do about it. Unearthing the arbitrary origins of commonly held doctrines such as the omniscience of leader (Emperor) and the most widely embraced myth of all擨e E-Myth Manager offers a fresh, provocative alternative to management as we know it. It explores why every manager must take charge of his own life, reconcile his own personal vision with that of the organisation, and develop an entrepreneurial mind-set to achieve true success. ISBN 9780887309595

Pages : 256
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