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  Medicine and Law

Medicine And Law

by K. Kannan

  Price : Rs 1595.00
  Your Price : Rs 1435.50
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  In the course of practicing medicine, a range of issues may arise that need a legal solution. As a result, the application of law to the field of medical practice has become increasingly important and this has further been strengthened by contemporary developments relating to law and ethics, medical malpractice, and bio-ethics and regulatory requirements for the healthcare industry.

With a comprehensive introduction and an appraisal of the Indian medical education system, this work examines a variety of issues that challenge the legal and medical fraternity in the face of rapidly advancing medical technology. It addresses issues such as organ transplant, euthanasia, surrogacy, abortion, the concept of consent, sex selection, clinical trials, designer babies, cosmetic enhancement procedures, and confidentiality.

Adopting an interdisciplinary approach, the author provides a comparative study with special focus on Indian case law and jurisdictions from other countries including the US and the UK.ISBN-9780198082880

Pages : 608
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