OTBA Analysis Class 9 Science, Maths, Social, English and Hindi CBSE has introduced OTBA, Open Text - Based Assessment for class 9 for the session 2013-14. The question paper of each main subject in SA 2 will have OTBA section of 10 marks. There will be two to three questions in the section. The questions will be of higher order thinking skills (HOTS) which will require students to apply to the situations given in the article or case study. The questions will be open-ended type which will look at students ability to think and justify their point of view. The book OTBA Analysis Class 9 Science, Maths, Social, English & Hindi analyses the 10 Text Materials (2 of each subject) provided by the CBSE in the 5 main subjects. This book is an attempt towards providing the best analyses, discussion activities, questions and answers to the students. Initially each case has been provided along with sample questions and their outline answers as provided by the CBSE. This is followed by additional questions along with their detailed/ outline answers. In certain cases some activities or discussion points have been suggested which students can undertake individually or in groups for the better understanding of the test materials.
In English list of all the difficult words in the text materials have been provided for better vocabulary skills. Each and every case has been analysed in great details. Questions covering varied aspects of the text materials have been provided. A lot of thought provoking questions have been designed with higher order thinking skills (HOTS) which will require students to apply to the situations given in the article or case study. The questions will be open-ended type which will look at students ability to think and justify their point of view.
The questions would provide opportunities to the students in acquiring skills of information processing, comprehension, analysis and inference. It is our guarantee that you cant find better analyses of these cases. This material can definitely play a great role in scoring good marks in SA2 of all the 5 subjects. Table of Contents
Subject 1 - Science:
1. Clean Air - A Shared Concern 2. Environment and Development - Lessons from the Hills
Subject 2 - English:
1. Information Technology and Values 2. The Future is Now: A Zest for Living
Subject 3 - Hindi:
1. Baal Mazdoori 2. Baalak - Baalikaon Ka Aisamaan Ling Anupaat
Subject 4 - Mathematics:
1. Planning a Garden 2. Adventure Camp
Subject 5 - Social Science:
1. A Tale from Hills 2. Migration ISBN - 9789383379750
Pages : 200