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  Clinical Surgery International Edition: With Student Consult Access: 3rd Edition

Clinical Surgery International Edition: With Student Consult Access: 3Rd Edition

by Michael Henry

  Price : Rs 2528.90
  Your Price : Rs 2276.01
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SECTION 1 - General Issues

1. Surgery -- what it is and what a surgeon does

2. Legal and ethical issues, and organisation of surgical services

3. Accident and emergency

4. Investigation of the surgical patient

5. The operation

6. Anaesthesia and pain control

7. Perioperative management and postoperative complications

8. Wound healing and management

9. Surgical infection

10. The seriously ill and injured patient

11. Practical procedures

12. Principles of surgical oncology

13. Organ transplantation

SECTION 2 - Regional Surgery

14. The neck and upper aerodigestive tract

15. Ear and nose

16. Chest and lungs

17. Cardiac surgery

18. Oesophagus, stomach and duodenum

19. Liver and biliary tree

20. The spleen

21. The pancreas

22. Acute abdominal conditions

23. Small-bowel disease and intestinal obstruction

24. Large bowel, including appendix

25. Anal and related disorders

26. Hernia

27. Breast disease

28. Arterial surgery

29. Venous and lymphatic disorders

SECTION 3 - Surgical Specialties

30. Neurosurgery

31. Surgery of the endocrine glands

32. Urology

33. Principles of orthopaedics

34. Principles of management of fractures, joint injuries and peripheral nerve injuries

35. Principles of paediatric surgery

36. Ophthalmology in clinical surgery

37. Principles of plastic surgery

38. Skin disorders

39. Surgery in the tropics

Index .ISBN - 9780702030741

Pages : 768
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