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   Body Language: How to know what`s REALLY being said 2nd Edition

Body Language: How To Know What`S Really Being Said 2Nd Edition

by James Borg

  Price : Rs 485.00
  Your Price : Rs 397.70
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  This is the one language that everyone speaks but only few really understand. But in 7 easy lessons, you can discover and learn everything you need to use body language to your advantage and become adept at reading the hidden signals of others.

The new edition of this bestselling book will show you how to:

Apparently ‘read’ the minds of other people with a degree of accuracy you never thought possible, whilst you gain a deeper understanding of what they’re thinking, how they’re feeling and why they do what they do.

Find out what non-verbal signals you may be giving out to others, how you can use this to communicate and elicit the response you want and how you can adapt your body language to change the way you’re perceived.

Get ahead in most professional and social situations as you become expert at reading moods, anticipating and handling conflict, and understanding what’s really motivating other people and their agendasISBN - 9780273758792

Pages : 280
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