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  Panther Red One:

Panther Red One:

by S. Raghavendran

  Price : Rs 1220.00
  Your Price : Rs 1037.00
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  This book originally began as a series of articles, at the behest of the authors son, for the website Bharat Rakshak. As the articles flowed, the author was then persuaded by his children to expand these articles into something that more resembles a book. It was (and is) intended for his grandchildren to know about one part of their heritagea part that will likely not recur in the family tree. It was not intended for general publication, but the children convinced the author otherwise. Perhaps the first couple of chapters could be a reader for all grandchildren of today because every family came from similar villages all over India. It also gives a feel for the motivation, and the acceptance of the environment and facilities that were far from adequate to achieve the goal of being a fighter pilot. It is more episodic than such works usually are, as it has been written at the age of 80, from the heart and from memory. It is hoped that you will enjoy it. ISBN-9789381904633

Pages : 298
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