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  Turn Around India

Turn Around India

by Gupta, R.P.

  Price : Rs 375.00
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  About the Author
This is indeed a laudable venture for an entrepreneur.

Writing is not new to Mr. R.P. Gupta. He has several articles to his credit in different magazines of repute. But this endeavour of his is unique in many ways. He has boldly accepted to face hard realities of life and mustered courage to diligently bell the proverbial cat in a very dignified style by writing this book.

He is fairly optimistic that there is still ample scope to bring the Indian economy on the fast track. All that is needed is awareness and commitment among the people and positive attitude and team spirit in the government. The book has also stressed on the proactive role of the politicians, bureaucracy and media to realise our economic objectives.

Both as a qualified entrepreneur and a person with long and varied experience, he has touched upon practically every facet of the Indian economy. In his lucid style, he has not only discussed the intrinsic problems but still more important suggested simple and viable solutions for charting a growth map.

The Indian economy has traversed through many trials and tribulations and has weathered many vicissitudes on its way. Interestingly, it has mostly re-emerged as vibrant and forward looking. At this critical juncture one vital aspect we need to ponder is- mostly we are in the habit of focusing on despondency rather than on the robust and positive attributes of our system. The media is also no better on this count. In fact, the mass media can play a pivotal role in transferring vital information from the population to the planners thereby creating a conducive environment for facilitating economic activities in a fair and effective manner. Today, feedback has been recognised not only as helpful but also as indispensable in the developmental process.

Its time we change our mind set and highlight on our progress and achievements. India is admired world over for their professional prowess and acumen. Then why cant they contribute here-in their own country! We have everything we need for our growth, human talent and natural resources in abundance. I feel, we are not able to meet our growth plans primarily for two reasons, want of commitment and lack of belongingness for motherland India.

Another area of major concern is the hype of mega scams and rampant corruption that has rocked our country. This is not only retarding our growth and development but also tarnishing our image both in the country and beyond the borders.

Table of Contents
An Overview
1. Indian Economy History (Fast forward-Pause-Rewind)
2. Gross Domestic Product (Source of Public Income and Development)
3. Inclusive Governance (Key to Economic Growth)
4. Global Crisis (A Missed Opportunity)
5. Natural Resources (Need Logical Approach for Productive Use)
6. Environment (A Political Overtone)
7. Energy Policy (Needs an Integrated Approach)
8. Transportation (A Great Challenge)
9. Manufacturing Sector (Under Stress)
10. External Sector (Handle with Care)
11. Black Money (Prevention is Better than Cure)
12. Inflation (Actual Control is Missing)
13. Public Finances (Needs Judicious Approach)
14. Subsidy Model (Needs Fresh Look)
15. Savings Channelization (For Productive Investments)
16. Inclusive Growth (Prime Duty of States)
Table Index
Abbreviations ISBN - 9789350975480

Pages : 364
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