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  Invented Here Maximizing Your Organization`s Internal Growth and Profitability

Invented Here Maximizing Your Organization`S Internal Growth And Profitability

by Bart Victor , Victor , Andrew C. Boynton

  Price : Rs 1400.00
  Your Price : Rs 1260.00
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  Book Summary of Invented Here Maximizing Your Organization`s Internal Growth and Profitability
Record-breaking economic growth. Rapid global expansion. Dizzying technological innovation. As we head toward the new millennium, there are more opportunities than ever to create new value, satisfy customers, and make money. But given today`s bewildering array of management methods, how do you determine which path to follow -- and how do you adapt your company for the journey? "Invented Here" shows that to succeed in a market where consumers increasingly demand customized goods and services, you must look within your own organization to invent, develop, and deliver the distinctive competencies that ensure growth and profitability.

With examples from companies such as Taco Bell, Dell Computer, Xerox, and Merrill Lynch, "Invented Here" is a blueprint for building on the capabilities you already have in order to create more value today, for tomorrow. This is a pioneering guide to using the knowledge that resides within your company in the actual transformation of work: the nature of what you do, the value that you can create with your customers, and the organizational knowledge to be mined along the way. isbn

Pages : 255
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