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  Employer`s Rights under Labour Laws, 5th Edn.

Employer`S Rights Under Labour Laws, 5Th Edn.

by Kumar H.L.

  Price : Rs 395.00
  Your Price : Rs 343.65
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  The table of cases will bear the testimony that the case laws have been updated as far as possibly incorporating recent decisions of the Supreme Court and the High Courts. We are confident that the book will be of immense assistance not only to the members of the legal profession and the employers to know their rights particularly under labour laws.
The prime purpose of this revised edition has been to broaden the clarifications, ratio of decided cases and to retain, to the fullest extent, the direct and simple approach of the authors with his emphasis on short words and brief sentences that have been so phenomenally useful in understnding the ratio of judgments. The book, we pictured, is concise and practical, but very much enough to provide every information about rights of the employers over their employees.
While revising this book, we have been conscious of the fact that it has earned a reputation and we have tried to be as careful as possible to maintain its standard of excellence and object of the book.
Enlarged and reoriented, this revised edition is enriched with abundant material distributed in several chapters with appropriate models and precedents. Each chapter deals with a specific subject and is prefaced with adequate exposition of the legal principles involved and suitable guidelines have been indicated with a view to their practical application. ISBN 9789350354100

Pages : 375
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