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  Labour Laws - Everybody Should Know, 7th Edn.

Labour Laws - Everybody Should Know, 7Th Edn.

by Kumar H.L.

  Price : Rs 260.00
  Your Price : Rs 226.20
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  There are certainly a number of books on labour laws, but none that is comprehensive enough to cover the whole gamut of labour laws in practice mode so as to enable the managers. leaders and workers to know, how the laws concerning them exist and work in the real world.

The knowledge of labour laws, is certainly a must for today`s managers, and lack of it might resolve into disastrous consequences. As labour laws mainly deal with the industries, their working knowledge is important for management and workers alike, for the workers have to understand their day-to-day problems in legal terms and the management has to understand those problems and answer them effectively in accordance with the applicable laws and within the prescribed legal framework. Industries, after all, play a major role in the economy of a country and, so, a healthy and content work force means a healthy economy.

This book casts light on almost every issue concerning the labour laws that have to be dealt with. The concepts and laws have been elucidated through explanations based upon judicial interpretations.

Culled from theoretical and practical experience of decades, this book will serve as a beacon-light in understanding and solving the problems as well as in establishing the good and harmonious employee-employer relationship.

There has been consistent demand for a book that could help the managers in tackling the everyday problems. This book would be of great help to all those who grapple with labour laws in the field.

ISBN : 9789350352144

Pages : 365
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