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  Labour and Industrial Law, 6th Edn., (In 2 Vols.) (with FREE CD of Labour & Industrial Law), (FREE Case Law Referencer 2002-2011)

Labour And Industrial Law, 6Th Edn., (In 2 Vols.) (With Free Cd Of Labour & Industrial Law), (Free Case Law Referencer 2002-2011)

by Kumar H.L.

  Price : Rs 2750.00
  Your Price : Rs 2392.50
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  This book is a comprehensive reference book being a compilation of several Acts, Rules, Regulations etc. on Labour and Industrial Laws arranged alphabetically. All latest amendments to the Acts, Rules and Regulations have been incorporated at appropriate places alongwith Introduction to Acts giving Statement of Objects and Reasons to most of the Acts and also enlisting the Amendment Acts since the enactment of the Act.

The Footnotes have been mentioned for each amendment giving the relevant notifications therein.The comments in the form of notes and important cases have been mentioned at appropriate places.

Free Case Law Referencer 2002-2011 is a value addition and an added bonanza for readers. The Referencer contains more than 3500 cases arranged topically which will give the busy reader a quick idea of the ratio of the important judgments.

FREE CD of both the volumes of Labour and Industrial Law adds to the utility of this book for quick search.

This book is of immense use for the Bench and the Bar, Law Departments, and of paramount importance to Industrial Establishents, Companies, Labour Departments/Organisations, and everyone looking for Labour Laws of India at one place.ISBN : 9789350351376

Pages : 4600
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