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  Introduction to Hindu Law - Personal Law of Hindus, Buddhists, Jains & Sikhs

Introduction To Hindu Law - Personal Law Of Hindus, Buddhists, Jains & Sikhs

by Tahir Mahmood

  Price : Rs 325.00
  Your Price : Rs 282.75
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  This is a concise edition of the same book. It retains all the substantive chapters of the original book containing analysis of statutory provisions and case law and is different only in their arrangement. Unlike the original book in which chapters were placed under three different Parts, each beginning with the edited texts of government statutes, in this edition all the chapters have been put in a serial order and texts of statutes given together at the end of the book.
A large number of cases have been decided in the last two decades by the supreme Court of India and various High Courts covering almost all provisions of the four Hindu-law Acts of 1955-56. In dealing with case law the focus of the book is on the recent cases reported till April 2014; old cases have been referred to only where considered necessary.

ISBN - 9789350354650

Pages : 327
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