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   Marketing Management : A Strategic Decision - Making Approach 7th Edition

Marketing Management : A Strategic Decision - Making Approach 7Th Edition

by John Mullins, Orville Walker, Harper Boyd, Jr.

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  The concentration on strategic decision making sets this book apart from other texts that place greater emphasis on the description of marketing phenomena than on the strategic and tactical marketing decisions that managers and entrepreneurs must make each and every day. This edition continues to be the most current and Internet-savvy book available, injecting the latest developments in Internet-based communication and distribution technology into every chapter. The author team™s rich entrepreneurial, marketing management, and consulting experience spans a broad variety of manufacturing, service, software, and distribution industries, providing an abundance of real-world, global perspectives.New material to address four key trends that are sweeping the world or marketing theory and practice has been added:

--The greater interest of many of today™s students in the entrepreneurial field and in learning what they will need to run their own companies at any point in their careers.

--The growing importance of rapidly- emerging markets like India and China on the global economic stage and the growing realization in companies everywhere that business today is a global industry.

--Companies™ awareness of the measurement of marketing performance and the extent to which marketing activities and spending contribute to the creation of shareholder value.

--The inexorable rise of the Internet and its wider implications for marketers.

Stronger coverage of branding (Chapter 8)
New Examples: Many of the new examples were chosen for the express purpose of increasing the book™s global focus and international perspective. Extensive effort was made to find and incorporate examples of marketing strategies and actions from firms and not-for-profit organizations around the world, not just in the United States. Many of the extensive case vignettes that open each chapter now focus on firms in Europe, Asia, and Africa.
A Focus on Strategic Decision Making. This book™s focus on strategic decision making sets it apart from other texts that place greater emphasis on the description of marketing phenomena than on the strategic and tactical marketing decisions that managers and entrepreneurs make each and every day.
Web-Savvy Insights. This book brings a realistic and informed perspective to an important question: Has the advent of the Internet changed all of the rules? Throughout the book, the authors integrate examples of new-economy companies to show how both yesterday™s and today™s marketing tools and decision frameworks can most effectively be applied.
A Real World Global Perspective. Along with an academic perspective, the authors of this book bring a real- world perspective to this text that is unmatched in this market space. John Mullins brings to this book 20 years of executive experience in the retailing industry in the United States, including three entrepreneurial companies. John now works in Europe at the London Business School, where he draws on the perspectives of MBA students and executive education participants from more than 60 countries to inform this book with the realities of building businesses in today™s global economy. Orville Walker spent most of his career at the Carlson School of Management at the University of Minnesota, where he studied and worked with some of the world™s leading consumer goods marketers and won the marketing discipline™s most prestigious awards for his research. Section One: The Role of Marketing in Developing Successful Business Strategies
Chapter 1 The Marketing Management Process
Chapter 2 The Marketing Implications of Corporate and Business Strategies
Section Two: Market Opportunity Analysis
Chapter 3 Understanding Market Opportunities
Chapter 4 Understanding Consumer Buying Behavior
Chapter 5 Understanding Organizational Markets and Buying Behavior
Chapter 6 Measuring Market Opportunities: Forecasting and Market Knowledge
Chapter 7 Targeting Attractive Market Segments
Chapter 8 Differentiation and Brand Positioning
Section Three: Developing Strategic Marketing Programs
Chapter 9 Business Strategies: A Foundation for Marketing Program Decisions
Chapter 10 Product Decisions
Chapter 11 Pricing Decisions
Chapter 12 Distribution Channel Decisions
Chapter 13 Integrated Promotion Decisions
Section Four: Strategic Marketing Programs for Selected Situations
Chapter 14 Marketing Strategies for the New Economy
Chapter 15 Strategies for New and Growing Markets
Chapter 16 Strategic for Mature and Declining Markets
Section Five: Implementing and Controlling Marketing Programs
Chapter 17 Organizing and Planning for Effective Implementation
Chapter 18 Measuring and Delivering Marketing Performance ISBN - 9781259097201

Pages : 576
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