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   ABC`s : Relationship Selling through Service 12th Edition

Abc`S : Relationship Selling Through Service 12Th Edition

by Charles Futrell

  Price : Rs 675.00
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  ABC™s of Relationship Selling 12e trains readers on a specific, yet generic, step-by-step selling process that is universal in nature. This edition presents a sales process or system in a logical sequence, more than any other text in the market: from planning and the approach, to closing and follow-up for exceptional customer service. The goal of this text has always been to demonstrate to students the order of steps within the selling process; provide numerous examples of what should be in each step; and how the steps within the selling process interact with one another. This market leader text brings a comfortable and familiar approach to the Selling discipline.
NEW Coverage on the Golden Rule: This feature integrates ethical selling coverage throughout the book. Beginning with Chapter 2, the first major section of each chapter focuses on the fact that ethical service builds true relationships. This edition includes more content in ethics, customer relationships, and the need for integrity, character and honesty in dealing with customers.
NEW Role Play entitled X Dot Technologies included in Appendix A, along with three additional and completely revised role plays.
NEW Discussions on green marketing, social networks, e-sales, and digital sales relative to aiding the sales force.
NEW Examples of handling questions, objections and resistance during the presentation, and closing multiple times.
NEW Videos of the author™s students, including a role play of the job interview exercise.
To purchase an eBook version of this title, visit www.CourseSmart.com (ISBN: 9780077499068). With the CourseSmart eTextbook version of this title, students can save money, reduce their impact on the environment, and access powerful web tools for learning. Faculty can also review and compare the full text online without having to wait for a print desk copy.
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Further Exploring the Sales World: These projects ask students to go beyond the textbook and classroom to explore what™s happening in the real world. Projects can be altered or adapted to the instructor™s school location and learning objectives for the class.
Customer Focused Selling: Charles Futrell has included his coverage and exploration of the customer-focused, service approach to selling that this text has taken for over seven editions. The key to developing long-lasting, and profitable, relationships with buyers is through a customer-focused, services-approach. Through active listening and putting your customer first the relationships you develop will benefit you, your employer, and most of all, your customer.
The Author™s Pedagogical Approach: Futrell stresses learning by doing. He believes that selling skills will benefit all students and make them better communicators.
Coverage of Relationship Selling: The author has integrated coverage of relationship and consultative selling. Students who understand the importance of developing relationships with customers will ultimately be more successful.
Sales Challenge/Solution: Each chapter begins with a real-life challenge faced by sales professionals that introduces the topic of the chapter and heightens student interest in chapter concepts. The challenge is resolved at the end of the chapter, where chapter concepts guiding the salesperson`s actions are highlighted.
Ethical Dilemma Boxes: Provide students with an opportunity to consider ethical dilemmas faced in the selling job.
Selling Tip Boxes: Offers the reader additional selling tips for use in developing their role-plays.
Selling Globally Appendix: This appendix provides a global-view for students, featuring selling situations from around the world. Many were written by the author™s colleagues from around the world.
Selling Experiential Exercises: These exercises help students to better understand themselves and/or the text material. Many can be done within the class or completed outside and discussed within class.
Cases for Analysis: Each chapter ends with several brief but substantive cases for student analysis and class discussion to providing the students with an opportunity to think critically about the application of chapter concepts.
Assurance of Learning Ready: Many educational institutions today are focused on the notion of assurance of learning, an important element of some accreditation standards. ABCs of Relationship Selling is designed specifically to support your assurance of learning initiatives with a simple, yet powerful solution. Each test bank question for ABCs of Relationship Selling maps to a specific chapter learning outcome/objective listed in the text.
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Pages : 528
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