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  Institutions, Livelihood and Natural Resource Management

Institutions, Livelihood And Natural Resource Management

by Kailas Sarap

  Price : Rs 650.00
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  The collection of papers put together in this volume provides valuable insights into a wide range of issues and problems relating to conservation of biodiversity and forest by forest dwellers. It also highlights the issues that affect the livelihood of the forest dwellers across the regions in Eastern and Southern India and the role of institutions in safeguarding and developing forest.
Broadly the papers are organized under six sub themes- bio diversity and provisions of livelihood to the forest dwellers; participatory forest manage-ment; causes of depletion of forest resources; interface between forest, mining activity and tribals; institutions and empowerment of forest dwellers and livelihood enhancing policies.
The volume draws attention to the crucial role of different stakeholders such as forest dwellers, state and civil societies not only to prevent forest erosion but also to sustain forest development and maintain biodiversity. Special concerns, especially, the role of effective participatory management by the primary stake holders and their implications for equitable distribution of benefit of forest resources and livelihood pattern of forest dwellers, have also been discussed. The papers in this volume came up with practical and innovative solutions towards management, development and conservation of natural resources.
With growing global interests from scholars of Environment and Natural Resource Economics, Development Studies, Policy Planners and Civil Society Organization, this volume would be an important and timely reading for all of them. ISBN - 9789380574059

Pages : 295
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