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  Essential Surgery ,4/e

Essential Surgery ,4/E

by Burkitt

  Price : Rs 2830.31
  Your Price : Rs 2830.31
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In writing this book, the authors have tried to present a new approach to the subject of surgery. The book is written primarily for clinical students. It provides an exposition of the whole field of general surgery and urology suitable for clinical courses. It is also designed to be a practical manual for junior hospital doctors, up to the level of surgical SHO or junior surgical resident. In addition, it is intended to be a continuing reference text for doctors in other specialities, including general practice. The authors have tried to explain the pathophysiological basis of surgical diseases and of their management so as to bridge the gap between basic medical sciences and clinical problems. Also they have adopted a problem-solving rather than a disease-oriented approach to diagnosis and treatment. In addition, they have included information about epidemiology, disease prevention and the provision of health care and have also used much original illustrative material. This includes X-rays, photographs of clinical cases and pathological specimens, anatomical and operative diagrams, tables, flow charts and summaries of the text. A special design and page layout has been created, providing close integration of text and illustrations. Outlines of common surgical operations have been included and also a section on accident surgery related to the general surgeon. The authors also try to indicate the principles of how surgical disorders evolve and the effects of different forms of intervention at various stages. ISBN - 9780443103469

Pages : 760
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