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  English is Easy: If you follow this book

English Is Easy: If You Follow This Book

by Chetananand Singh

  Price : Rs 250.00
  Your Price : Rs 250.00
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  English Is Easy, true to its name, makes the English language easy to understand and use by explaining the different grammatical rules, and by improving the readers` vocabulary and building their comprehension skills.

Learning a language also entails learning its basic grammar and building a good vocabulary to improve comprehension. This book focuses on all the skills that are required to have a good grasp of the English language, right from grammar to word lists and comprehension skills.

The rules of grammar can be complex and varied, and to really remember grammatical concepts, one should first understand the concepts. This book defines the different rules of grammar and also explains why a particular rule or concept is necessary. It further explains how the concept is relevant when constructing sentences.

Understanding English fundamentally involves understanding words. If learners have a good vocabulary, then they will be well on their way towards understanding and speaking the language.

The book covers common idioms and phrases and phrasal verbs in exclusive chapters. It also has a section of foreign words that are used in the English language. The book also familiarises its readers with words that are absolutely necessary and must be part of a student`s vocabulary, in order to help them learn and understand English. To make these words easier to understand and remember, they have been explained in context and used in sentences.

Once readers learn the basic rules of English grammar and acquire a good vocabulary, they can easily learn the language. In order to provide practice in writing and comprehension, exercises are provided, along with hints to guide the readers. The book also discusses sentence constructs and the logical arrangement of words in a sentence. ISBN 9788190458900

Pages : 764
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