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   Irrigation Systems Engineering

Irrigation Systems Engineering

by Balram Panigrahi

  Price : Rs 990.00
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  This is a text book for agriculture and agricultural engineersand will be very much helpful for the beginning students inirrigation. It is designed to guide students from a basic knowledgeof soil, mathematics, hydrologic and hydraulics to thestate-of-the-art irrigation system design and management. Sincemajor and medium irrigation projects are too costly and at the sametime are not eco-friendly, the major thrust of research is nowbeing imparted on low cost and easy to construct farm irrigationstructures. The primary aim of the book is to design an optimumsize small scale water harvesting structure which is the farm pondmostly used by the farmers in the farms. My goal is to present theprinciples and concepts of farm irrigation in a simple manner tomaximize the students learning, understanding and motivation. Themethod and order of presentation have been carefully developed andclassroom tested to make this book a useful and effective teachingtool. The book will not only be a helping tool to the students andteachers in agriculture and agricultural engineering but also toall the practicing engineers, agriculturists, soil conservationistsand agricultural extension workers who deal directly or indirectlywith water management and other associated farm development works.However, the book cannot be used for design of complex hydraulicstructures including dams and reservoirs.

The book contains 23 solved problems, 238 short and long typequestions, 42 tables, 55 figures and more than 138 references whichwill be immensely helpful to the students and design engineers.Several field experimental results have also been incorporated inthe book at appropriate sections to make the book interesting forthe readers.ISBN - 9789380235387

Pages : 346
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