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  The Disrupter : Arvind Kejriwal and the Audacious Rise of the Aam Aadmi

The Disrupter : Arvind Kejriwal And The Audacious Rise Of The Aam Aadmi

by Gautam Chikermane, Soma Banerjee

  Price : Rs 295.00
  Your Price : Rs 241.90
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  It just got built into an audacious force. When we started, the intention was not to be audacious, not to fight. We just wanted to know.

The meteoric rise of the Aam Aadmi Party from inception to running the state of Delhi in thirteen months is a story with three principal strands. First, Arvind Kejriwal, iconoclast, leader and disrupter par excellence, who has dared to defy the fundamental templates of Indian politics and governance. Second, the coalescing of a group of unprecedented diversity-a journalist, a lawyer, an academic, a policymaker, a CEO, a retired NSG commando, an architect and a poet, among many others-on the streets of New Delhi, all bound together by a shared idea of an India that could have been. And third, of the awakening of the aam aadmi and of his realization that he can be as active a participant and change-maker in national politics as any other.

In The Disrupter, veteran journalists Gautam Chikermane and Soma Banerjee provide an in-depth, fly on-the-wall account of how these three strands came together to create a brand-new political tapestry. And how a single political party shattered the status quo, captivated the imagination of the citizenry, taking people beyond the usual cynical labels of caste and creed and changed the contemporary political narrative in ways that are both unthinkable and unpredictable.

ISBN - 9788129131331

Pages : 200
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