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   Experiments in Microbiology, Plant Pathology and Biotechnology

Experiments In Microbiology, Plant Pathology And Biotechnology

by K.R. Aneja

  Price : Rs 299.00
  Your Price : Rs 269.10
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  Microorganisms are living things like plants and animals but because of their minute size and omnipresence, performing experiments with microbes requires special techniques and equipment apart from good theoretical knowledge about them. This easy to use revised and updated edition provides knowledge about all the three i.e., techniques, equipment and principles involved. The notable feature of this edition is the addition of new sections on Bacterial Taxonomy that deals with the criteria used in identification, phylogeny and current system of classification of procaryotes and the section one on history of discovery of events that covers chronologically important events in microbiology with the contribution of pioneer microbiologists. Along with the cultivation/isolation/purification of microbes, this edition also contains exercises concerning air, soil, water, food, dairy and agricultural microbiology, bacterial genetics, plant pathology, plant tissue culture and mushroom production technology. This manual contains 163 exercises that are presented in a simple language with explanatory diagrams and a brief recapitulation of their theory and principle. Eleven appendices at the end of the manual provide a reference to the source for obtaining cultures of microbes, culture media and preparation of various stains, reagents and media in the laboratory and classification of procaryotes according to the latest edition of Bergey`s Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, second edition, 2001.

This book would be useful for the undergraduate and postgraduate students, teachers and scientists in diverse areas including the biological sciences, the allied health services, environmental science, biotechnology, agriculture, nutrition, pharmacy B.Tech., M.Tech. and various other professional programmes like milk processing units, diagnostic (clinical) microbiological laboratories and mushroom cultivation at small or large scale. ISBN - 9788122414943

Pages : 632
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