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  Multimodality Breast Imaging: A Correlative Atlas 2nd Edition

Multimodality Breast Imaging: A Correlative Atlas 2Nd Edition

by Beverly E. Hashimoto

  Price : Rs 13500.00
  Your Price : Rs 12150.00
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  The second edition of this generously illustrated case-based reference provides a systematic visual collection of pathologic entities and a detailed assessment of how to optimize sonographic technique as well as how to approach the integration of mammography, sonography, MRI and PET/CT in breast cancer diagnosis. The book begins with a focus on teaching practical methods to analyze and incorporate mammographic, sonographic, and magnetic resonance findings in the clinical setting. The closing chapters are devoted to illustrating the applications of PET as demonstrated by specific clinical cases.

Features of the second edition:

Emphasis on the importance of high-resolution sonography
Three new chapters on the use of MRI and PET in breast imaging
Numerous new case studies -- including helpful pearls and pitfalls -- that focus on common and uncommon examples of metastatic and non-metastatic disease
Charts and outlines that provide rapid reference for the clinical workup of a lesion
More than 800 images that help identify both mammographic and sonographic abnormalities

This thorough reference is ideal for radiologists, mammographers, oncologists, gynecologists and all clinicians looking to broaden their visual sonographic experience. Its user-friendly format makes it a handy text for radiology residents in breast rotations. Table of Contents

Pattern Approach to Breast Sonography Contents
Pattern Approach to MRI Contents
Circumscribed Masses
Irregular Masses
Architectural Distortion
Male Breast
Post surgical Findings
Masses Poorly Identified Mammographically
Applications of PET-CT
Index.ISBN - 9781604061710

Pages : 664
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