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   Pharmaceutical Marketing in India : Concepts Strategy Cases

Pharmaceutical Marketing In India : Concepts Strategy Cases

by Subba Rao Chaganti

  Price : Rs 325.00
  Your Price : Rs 276.25
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  Pharmaceutical Marketing is comprehensive in its coverage and versatile in its treatment. The style is refreshingly simple, direct and reader-friendly. The focus of the book is clearly and sharply on practice, on applications, and on hands-on experience. The book is divided into three parts : Part One : The Big Picture, paints before the reader what it promises “ the big picture of the Indian pharmaceutical market and an overview of the industry including a brief historical perspective. Part Two : Nine ˜P`s, goes beyond Mega-marketing, and Maxi-marketing. Understanding the Nine ˜P`s “ Product, Price, Place, Promotion, Personal Selling, Prescription, Policy, Public Relations and Power “ is indeed crucial for creating and executing successful strategies in pharmaceutical marketing. Part Three : Key Success Factors, provides meaningful insights into Managaing New Products, towards achieving Excellence in Marketing, sharpening the Winning Edge, Corporate Score Board and GMP. Experiential Insights: There are over seventy case studies discussed throughout the book showing how some companies have successfully applied the enduring, the innovative marketing concepts and reaped rich dividends and some others have paid dearly for not exploiting the opportunities lying at their door step.


Part One : The Big Picture 1. The Indian Pharmaceutical Industry : An Overview, 2. The Pharmaceutical Market Part Two : Nine ˜P`s 3. The Product, 4. The Price, 5. The Place, 6. Promotion, 7. Personal Selling, 8. The Prescription, 9. Policy, 10. Public Relation, 11. Power Part Three : Key Success Factors 12. Managing New Products, 13. Winning Game Plans, 14. Towards Excellence in Marketing, 15. The Winning Edge, 16. Corporate Scoreboard, 17. GMP, 18. A Look into the Crystal Ball . ISBN 9788188449253

Pages : 409
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