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   Organizational Behavior : An Evidence - Based Approach 12th Edition

Organizational Behavior : An Evidence - Based Approach 12Th Edition

by Fred Luthans

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  Organizational Behavior by Fred Luthans was one of the first mainstream organizational behavior texts on the market and continues the tradition of being the most current and up-to-date researched text today. Well-known author Fred Luthans is the 5th most prolific Publisher in Academy of Management Journals and a senior research scientist with the Gallup Organization, who continues to do research in the organizational behavior area. The Twelfth Edition of Organizational Behavior is ideal for instructors who take a research-based and conceptual approach to their OB course. The new subtitle An Evidence-Based Approach reaffirms the importance of the research foundation to the text. A new major section, Evidence-Based Management, has been added to Chapter 1 that explains why this evidence-based focus, which helps close the gap between theory/research and application/practice, is so critical.
Because communication, decision making, and perception continue to be important to organizational behavior, Chapter 8, Communication and Decision Making, has been completely revised and the concept of perception has been added to Chapter 5, Personality, Perception and Employee Attitudes.
Besides updating the evidence-base and providing new real-world examples in each chapter, breakthroughs on important new topics such as the following are included:

¢ Contextual impact of the recent financial crisis and stock market crash on organizational behavior

¢ Managing the global workforce

¢ Corporate social responsibility (CSR)

¢ Ethics of downsizing

¢ Organization culture in an economic crisis

¢ Incentive/rewards analysis of the financial crisis

¢ Intentional component of psychological capital (PsyCap)

¢ Performance impact and research summary of PsyCap

¢ Broaden and Build Theory of positivity

¢ Use of Facebook

¢ Gen X and Gen Y

¢ Stress from 24/7 technology and job loss threat

Unlike other OB texts, the book is organized around an integrating theoretical framework to help show students how the pieces fit together. This framework, social cognitive theory, explains organizational behavior in terms of both environmental, contextual events and internal cognitive factors, as well as the dynamics and outcomes of the organizational behavior itself.
Luthans uses Meta-Analysis--a method of selecting, gathering, and processing research and compiling it through various related, but separate, studies--at the end of each chapter to highlight important research. This method places special emphasis on research in the text and makes it more valuable to students because of its broad base.
Consulting Best Practices from the Gallup Organization open each part of the textbook. Gallup is a consulting firm that handles, among others, 25 of the top 50 Fortune Companies, including IBM and Disney. This well-respected company studies trends such as retention and workplace development. Fred Luthans is a senior research scientist for the Gallup Organization.
Luthans features Positive Organizational Behavior (POB) pioneered by the author™s ground-breaking theory, research, and applications.
Experiential exercises at the end of each part get students involved in solving organizational behavior issues.
Comprehensive coverage of current topics makes this one of the most up to date textbooks available.
Internet exercises at the end of each chapter allow students to apply what they™ve learned using technology.
ISBN - 9781259097430

Pages : 592
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