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  Dimensions of Researches in Indian Anthropology (Vol 1)

Dimensions Of Researches In Indian Anthropology (Vol 1)

by Vijoy S Sahay

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  The book covers multiple socio-cultural and biological dimensions of researches in Indian anthorpology. Trained and professional anthropoligists engaged in various universities, as also in various anthropological organizations in the country, have contributed articles for this illustratious volume. The various socio-cultural dimensions that it covers are-from Art of Body Decoration to the Anthropology of Sacred Centers; from Maternal Education to the Effect of Women`s Status in Family Size; from Female Infanticide, and Women in Development to the Indian Women in Transition; from Tribal Indebtedness, and Displacement and Deprivation of Tribesmen to the Weeily Tribal Market; from Anthropology of Religion to Anthropology of Health; from Medical Anthropology to Ethno medicines; and from Educational Development to the Nutritional Problems of the Tribesmen.
About Author :
Vijoy S. Sahay: After having done B.A. (Honors) and M.a. in Anthropology, Dr. Sahay received his doctoral degree for his fascinaing research work on the Nicobar Archipelago from Ranchi University. He remained associated with the Department of Anthropology, Ranchi University, under different capacities for over a decade and half; then joined the University of Allahabad.
Pradip Kumar Singh: M.Sc. and Ph.D. in Anthropology from Ranchi University, Dr. Singh is at present Reader in Anthropology, Ranchi University.
Contents :
List of Contributors
Anthropology in India: A Comment
An Anthropologist Looks At History: A Re-interpretation of Ancient Hisotry and Culture of India
Toda Identity at Crossroads
The Neglected Tribes of Jharkahand
The Social System of Minicoy Island
Ethnicity in the Jammu and Kahsmir State: A Profile of Races and Tribal Study
Food Universe of the Santal: Structure and Cognition
Santal Kinship Terminology: A Componentail Analysis
Undocumented Migration from Bangladesh to West Bengal
Historicity, Development and Manifestation of Gorkhaland Movement: An Anthropological Approach
The Lodha and the Mahali of Border Bengal: Perspectives in the Their Ecology and Economy
Tribal Development in Jharkhand: The Past Experience
Padhan and the Survival of Buxa Traditional Political Leadership
The Revivalistc Movement of Jharkahndi Kudmi: A Struggle for Identity
Socio-Economic Development Among the Varlis in Maharashtra
A Distant Hope: Tribal Self-Rule Governance in the Scheduled Areas of Jharkhand
Changing Dimension of Ethinic Boundary and Constraints of Jural Norms
The Making of a Munda Shaman: Traditional Wisdom Vis-A-Vis Continuity of Knowledge
Death Rituals of the Ho: A Study in Kolhan Area
Equality of Women in Their Educational and Working Status: A Study of Kerala
Sustainable Tribal Development
A Critique od Durkheim`s Concept of "Sacred" and "Profance"
Witchcraft: A Critical Appraisal
Primitve Folk and Their Dependence on Plant and Land Recourses: Taxonomical Portrayal of the Juango
Utilisation of Reproductive and Child Health Services by Tribal Population in Bastar District, M.P.
Some Aspects of Reproductive Performance of the Uttar Pradesh Brahmins
Religious and Socio-Cultural Context of Fertility and Adoption of Contraceptives in India
Life Affecting Variables and Infant Mortality: A Study Among the Kol Tribe of Madhya Pradesh
Culture and Malaria Control Interventions: A Case Study of Surat District in Gujarat
Fertility Among the Ladiya of Sagar District, Madhya Pradesh : A Multivariate Analysis
Medical Anthropological Study in a Tribal Village
Ethnomedical Beliefs and Practices Among the Savara
Some Somatometirc Traits Among the Assamese Sikhs
Finger and Palmar Dermatoglyphics of the Deoris of the Dibrugarh Distric, Assam ISBN - 8186771808 ,9788186771808

Pages : 486
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