The undeniable ground reality is that the LIS professionals are the backbone of any kind of library and information system. The successful implementation and management of a library and information services facility largely depends upon the wholehearted commitment and sincere efforts of the LIS professionals. Undoubtedly, the successful library and information services are the ones, which are tuned towards fulfilling the overall objectives and goals of their parent organizations. In India, in the present digital information era, the LIS professionals are consciously and constantly putting inthe much needed professional efforts in designing, developing and delivering modern library, information and knowledge management services. It is also heartening to note that the LIS professionals are spearheading a number of new strategic initiatives such as library resources digitization projects, LIS modernization programmes, knowledge management, offering information and digital literacy programmes, innovative library collection development, including facilitating access to e-resources, and so on. In the process of implementing and managing several such LIS projects, a lot of learning takes place at the local levels.
However, for the overall development and growth of library and information services facilities at regional, national and even at the international level, it is a must that we all come together, collectively share and debate our new ideas, learning, success stories, best practices, problems and learn from each other for the betterment of our libraries, thereby, equip ourselves to offer improved and value-added library and information services to our user communities.
It is in this backdrop and vision, the MANLIBNET (Management Libraries Network) and the Indian Institute of Management Indore (IIM Indore) have come together and organized a very timely International Conference MANLIBNET 2012, on the theme ‘Creating Wisdom and Knowledge Through Shared Learning: Role of Librarians and Information Managers” during October 11-13, 2012, hosted at the IIM Indore. The discussion and deliberations of the Conference are largely devoted to the said main theme and the following sub-themes:
1. Library Services and Technology 2. Library Services: Tools and Applications 3. Knowledge Access and Discovery: New Trends 4. Marketing of Library and Information Services 5. Professional Competencies, Education and Training of LIS Professionals 6. Measuring and Developing User Services 7. Information Security and Technology 8. Web Resources: Policy and Planning for Libraries ISBN - 9789380574400