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  Design Methods and Analysis of Algorithms, 2nd edition

Design Methods And Analysis Of Algorithms, 2Nd Edition

by S.K. Basu

  Price : Rs 750.00
  Your Price : Rs 637.50
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  The design of correct and efficient algorithms for problem solving lies at the heart of computer science. This concise text, without being highly specialized, teaches the skills needed to master the essentials of this subject. With clear explanations and engaging writing style, the book places increased emphasis on algorithm design techniques rather than programming in order to develop in the reader the problem-solving skills.

The treatment throughout the book is primarily tailored to the curriculum needs of B.Tech. students in computer science and engineering, B.Sc. (Hons.) and M.Sc. students in computer science, and MCA students.

The book focuses on the standard algorithm design methods and the concepts are illustrated through representative examples to offer a reader-friendly text. Elementary analysis of time complexities is provided for each example-algorithm. A varied collection of exercises at the end of each chapter serves to reinforce the principles/methods involved.

New to this Edition

Additional problems
A new Chapter 14 on Bioinformatics Algorithms
The following new sections:
BSP model (Chapter 0)
Some examples of average complexity calculation (Chapter 1)
Amortization (Chapter 1)
Some more data structures (Chapter 1)
Polynomial multiplication (Chapter 2)
Better-fit heuristic (Chapter 7)
Graph matching (Chapter 9)|
Function optimization, neighbourhood annealing and implicit elitism (Chapter 12)
Additional matter in Chapter 15
ISBN - 9788120347465

Pages : 400
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