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  VLSI Design

Vlsi Design

by Partha Pratim Sahu

  Price : Rs 425.00
  Your Price : Rs 382.50
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  VLSI design and related technology has become indispensible in today™s world due to increase in chipcircuit complexity and integration scales required by high-speed communication systems. The book, VLSI Design, covers all aspects of design and analysis of VLSI circuits, from preliminary designs to layout designs, as well an introduction to processing technology. For those willing to step into the VLSI industry or research fields, this book, with its simplistic presentation and pedagogical writing style, will provide the necessary thrust and adequate information to master the field. Principles of physics and mathematical analysis focused upon to cover the VLSI design fundamentals thoroughly.
Inclusion of applications and latest developments in the subject: Nanometer CMOS design issues
Submicron technology
Excellent use of VHDL programs for digital design and top-level system design. 1. Introduction of MOS Technology to Integrated Circuit
2. MOSFET and CMOS: Basic Electrical Properties and Circuit Design
3. CMOS-Based Digital Design
4. CMOS-Based Analog Circuit
5. CMOS Mixed Signal Circuit
6. BiCMOS Circuit
7. Design of Testability
8. Physical Design of VLSI Circuits
9. Designing of Digital Circuits Using VHDL Programs
10. Top-level System Design: CPU
11. VLSI Process Technology ISBN - 9781259029844

Pages : 496
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