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  Silvipasture in India: Present Perspectives and Challenges Ahead

Silvipasture In India: Present Perspectives And Challenges Ahead

by D.R. Palsaniya ,S K Dhyani, P Rai

  Price : Rs 750.00
  Your Price : Rs 750.00
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This book provides comprehensive, indepth and up to date information on all aspects of silvipasture, wasteland management, forage production for livestock, tree - pasture interactions, establishment and management of silvipastoral systems and silvipastoral perspectives for climate change mitigation. For the first time in India, authors have attempted to divide whole of India in to four major natural silvipastoral covers which will make the book a matter of interest for all. Further, it also deals with the livestock production and silvipasture in light of contemporary issues like climate change while emphasizing future thrust areas in degraded land development and silvipasture. The glossary of important related terms and scientific names of common trees, grasses and legumes in the end increases its usefulness. This book is written in simple language and will be of great interest for students, teachers, researchers and planners.
ISBN - 9788172336868

Pages : 207
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