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   Calculus of One Variable

Calculus Of One Variable

by Gangadhar Pandey , R.L.Mahajan , V.P.Saxena

  Price : Rs 150.00
  Your Price : Rs 135.00
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  The inclusion of modern topics in the courses of studies in mathematics at the undergraduate level is very necessary to provide a foundation for future and upcoming topics at the higher level. This book is based on this fact. It has been planned with a view to provide a foundation for future analysis courses and to make use of sister topics like linear and abstract algebra in the forthcoming years. This book contains six chapters. Its first chapter explains the basic concepts on sets and numbers etc.

The second chapter deals with the sequences and series of real numbers. Third chapter discusses the continuity and differentiability of functions. The fourth chapter deals with successive differentiations and mean value theorems. Last two chapters are on integration and application of calculus. A unique feature of this book is that each chapter contains a large number of illustrations which will help the students to understand through analytical approach. The book meets requirements of B.Sc part one courses of many Indian universities including those of Madhya Pradesh. ISBN - 9788122401592

Pages : 280
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