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  Practicals in Plant Physiology and Biochemistry

Practicals In Plant Physiology And Biochemistry

by Manju Bala , Sunita Gupta , N K Gupta , M K Sangha

  Price : Rs 650.00
  Your Price : Rs 650.00
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  This book provides information on basic experiments on plant physiology and biochemistry. The contents have been divided in two parts i.e. plant physiology and biochemistry. The topics in plant physiology include photosynthesis, transpiration, pigments, respiration, seed germination and nutrient deficiency whereas biochemistry part covers primary metabolites, secondary metabolites, enzymes, vitamins and buffers. Techniques like chromatography, electrophoresis have also been discussed.
Every effort has been made to make the book precise and concise. The theory and principle of each experiment has been provided in the beginning of each experiment to make it easily understandable. It is expected that the book will be useful for students studying plant physiology and biochemistry at undergraduate as well as post graduate level. ISBN - 9788172338527

Pages : 196
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